Your spiritual health is just as important as your physical health. Though many people don’t give it the same attention as physical health, it needs just as much nurturing. That’s because we can strengthen our faith or strain it with our...
Read moreTips To Have A Close Relationship With God
The Miracle Worker: What are Jesus’s Miracles?
Jesus was a miracle worker who was bestowed with powers from God that enabled him to help the poor, women, those deemed unclean, racial enemies, and even oppressors. The Holy Bible mentions 37 miracles of Jesus which include: Jesus Healed the...
Read moreTake Charge of Your Spiritual Wellbeing and Health
When you come across a trial in life, you’re likely to ask yourself the meaning of your suffering, if you were a good person despite how you acted, or the reason for it to happen in the first place. People frequently question their connection to...
Read moreTrust in the Lord
Here are a few tips for being steadfast and having strong faith.
Read moreWhy You Should Step Up To Share Your Story
As Christians, our faith revolves around incidents and events the scriptures highlight. The Bible consists of real-life experiences of Jesus and other prophets who spent their lives in God’s way. None of us have seen all these incidents...
Read moreWhy God Would Never HATE You
Unfortunately, the most common question people search about God on the internet is “does God hate me?” This question is heartbreaking and shows that people wonder why God does not love them. These people face grief, pain, guilt, shame, and...
Read moreThe Language of Miracles
Have you experienced the beauty of the Lord’s miracles that have shaken you to the core? My wife and I have had the journey of a lifetime, where pain persisted, dark days loomed, and hopelessness stood by, waiting for us to give up — but the...
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