Every day we commit many sins knowingly or unknowingly. Our sins not only harm us but the entire Christian community as per the Catholic Church’s ideology. However, the Confession allows us to start again with stronger faith.
Read moreThe Miracle Worker: What are Jesus’s Miracles?
Jesus was a miracle worker who was bestowed with powers from God that enabled him to help the poor, women, those deemed unclean, racial enemies, and even oppressors. The Holy Bible mentions 37 miracles of Jesus which include: Jesus Healed the...
Read moreIs it Time to Start Writing Your Miracle Story?
Fictional stories are great, but they never hit you the same way as real stories do. Real-life stories inspire empathy, build connections, and allow you to see things from a different angle. A miracle is an event, an incident that needs to be...
Read moreUnderstand the Deeper Meaning: What Is Hope?
What does hope mean for believers of Christianity? It means to have hope in the miracles of God and believe in His plans. This hope helps us connect with God and find a way to overcome our troubles. In this blog, we’ll discuss the deeper...
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