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Miracle Story

Miracle Story

I was writing to share my story. I am a truck driver but recently received a calling to write new music to put only on vinyl records.What feels like other people helping me out to make things happen nationwide, might just be God or an Angel helping along the way.From brief interactions, I believe God made his presence known to me and handed me a vision of record production as an ambassador for the kingdom of Heaven.Reading more about it, others experiencing their own are saying that God will provide you with what you need to accomplish what he assigns you to do, and he will teach you what to say along the way in order for his plan to work.The ambassadors I believe are tasked with spreading the gospel to the ends of the Earth. As a truck driver, I can certainly do that and already drive nationwide.I have two record albums in manufacture after God showed me this vision. He’s revealing one step at a time after another to place things in a sequence.When I placed my first order for records of my first album, God showed me something was wrong and wrote the vinyl manufacturer with words God told me to use. It turned out the broker I went through placed my album in their record label catalog.Letting the power of God do his work, my initial record order of 200 units was probably increased to 10,000 records due to that error I didn’t notice but God wanted me to correct. From his interaction with me, the master stampers of that record should be reassigned to my company as the owners, kept safe and out of the wrong hands.So, I was tasked with writing music for people to hear here for the Kingdom. He hasn’t shown me the next step to take yet with his plan. With 10,000 copies of this records, I was instructed by God to hand them out for free to the ends of the Earth, from sea to shining sea.I suppose music can be used as a weapon against opposition to try to turn people’s hearts with the use of emotion. I’m doing what God instructed me to do, I don’t know how it will end, only he knows that.I also took my truck to a truck wash, and the cost was incredibly similar to that if the days given to the two witnesses if I remember. I believe that was 1,260 days of prophecy. My receipt for washing the truck and trailer was $1,026. Same numbers but in a different order. Before any of this, God was testing me with a single thing over and over again, but I never gave into sinning the way he arranged several opportunities for it.I can not and did not lust or admire anyone sexually though the opportunity was there. So, what I figure is I passed the test, and have been entrusted to fulfill this assignment. He gave me a gift of music composition in such a way, I tried to have two others help me create these tracks, but I came to realize, I was the only one with this gift, the others weren’t able to help me construct music the way God told me to.I have written two albums by God’s instruction, and an angel of pure gold light appeared before me right here in this truck at night right before I placed orders for the records. so, during this time of prophecy he has handed me, he has shown me that he will be here with me, to guide me, and that anyone wishing to cause me harm will have their plans backfire on them.God said I will not be harmed during the process of fulfilling his mission. This music is excellent, but God is putting it together for me through me. I really felt like I had to tell someone who could understand what might be happening.

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