slide1 min An online Christian community of people brought
together through the miracles of Jesus Christ
and inspirational stories of healing.
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At 21st Century Miracles, we believe everyone has a powerful story to share.

you’ve experienced with us. We believe it can reaffirm people’s beliefs and be a powerful reminder that we’re not alone in the journey of life, acting as spiritual life coaching.

You can submit your story anonymously if you wish. Note that we don’t impose a word limit on submissions, so when you’re engaging in the sharing of God’s miracles, you can go into as much detail as you’re comfortable with. You can also dedicate your story to someone special.

If you’re not sure where to start, here are a few questions to ponder:

  • What was your life like before experiencing the miracle?
  • Do you remember anything significant in the days leading up to the miracle?
  • What were the circumstances of the miracle itself?
  • How did the miracle change your life, perspective, or point of view?
  • Or, instead of answering a question, you may begin with the words “I know miracles happen because…”

We invite you to talk about your miracle below. (*Required field)

Please be advised that we do not publish personal contact details, press releases, or advertisements of any kind on this website.

We value your privacy at 21st Century Miracles. If you want to share your miracles/stories without revealing your identity, fill this form!

Share Your Miracles


At 21st Century Miracles, we hope to bring together people who have experienced God’s miracles firsthand. We believe miracles happen every day—and range from small, serendipitous moments to once-in-a-lifetime events.

If you believe in the power of miracles, it’s only right to celebrate them and share them with others.

Come and join a community of people who have felt God’s magnificence working to save, improve, and transform their lives for the better.

Connect with us at 21st Century Miracles to share the miracles you’ve experienced—and rejoice in building a stronger connection with your fellow beings and the Divine.

From The Blog
Miracle Story
Miracle Story

I was writing to share my story. I am a truck driver but recently received a calling to write new music to put only on vinyl records.What feels like other people helping me out to make things happen nationwide, might just be God or an Angel helping along the way.From brief interactions, I believe God

5 Ways to Improve Your Spiritual Health
5 Ways to Improve Your Spiritual Health

  Your spiritual health is just as important as your physical health. Though many people don’t give it the same attention as physical health, it needs just as much nurturing. That’s because we can strengthen our faith or strain it with our actions, just like the muscles of our body. Our mind, body, and spirit

3 Benefits of Sharing Miracles
3 Benefits of Sharing Miracles

The Christian ministry values miracles as divine acts by Jesus and a form of teaching to the parables; hence, Jesus was known as the miracle worker. The miracle-working God performs miracles every day to relieve his people of suffering. It’s miracles through which humanity has learned the value of faith, the law of love, the cure to sin, the consequence of sin, and the curse of impurity. Here’s why you should be sharing your miracles with the online community:


Miracles have never stopped happening for those who seek them.

Begin your journey with our Christian community online as we continue the sharing of God’s miracles.

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