slide1 min An online Christian community of people brought
together through the miracles of Jesus Christ
and inspirational stories of healing.
21st Century Miracles Read more
slide3 min Sharing a New Miracle Soon Read more slide2 min Read About Our Miracles Read more slide2 min We’re So Glad You’ve
Decided to Join Us!



Who says miracles are just for a chosen few? Life itself and everything around us is reminiscent of what miracles entail, and is it then surprising that Jesus Christ blesses us even as we go through the ebb and flow of our life? Heavens help us when hopelessness strikes; if you’ve been a recipient of this gift, then we have founded a community for you where we speak of our encounters with life-changing miracles. We discuss miracle that has altered your perspectives and outlooks and given your life a new meaning.

To those that listen, miracles are the guiding hand of Our Lord, the Savior. At our Chrisitan Ministry, we give an audience to the miracles you’ve witnessed and talk about how they’ve impacted and altered you for the better.


To live a life without miracles is never to live at all. If you’ve been lucky enough to have an encounter with miracles that have left you feeling fulfilled, hopeful, and complete, then we have an online Christian community for you.

At 21st Century Miracles, you can discuss your spiritual journey with others who’ve had life-altering miracles affect their lives as well. My wife and I created this community after witnessing two tremendous miracles in our lives over a decade apart. Our perspectives have changed, and we’ve discovered a newfound purpose: we want to let life surprise us. Whether you’re a believer, unbeliever, or unsure of your faith, you’ll find a listening ear at all times within our Christian community.

We’re all chosen by Him, but only a few get to see and experience his grandiose, kindness, and involvement in our lives. Let us be a part of a community that understands and listens; we’re all united and one in the end. No matter your belief, our community will welcome you with open arms and love-filled hearts. Miracles define our life, and they should be celebrated, remembered, and cherished.

Share miracles with us online at 21st Century Miracles’Christian ministries and communities to feel connected with others. Join us today.


I have been going to this Ministry my whole life and it is such a blessing to me! I am so blessed to be able to attend Grace and be a part of the amazing things that God is doing.

John Higgins, Parishioner

I found this community at a time in my life when I was really hurting. I walked in the doors, and felt like I had just come home! I was welcomed with warmth, and encouragement, and friendship.

Anna Black, Teacher

Me and my partners have found our relationship with this team to be a very satisfying and mutually beneficial experience. Thank you for your outstanding WordPress products and services!

Mark Priston, Customer
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